When North Carolina employees come to work each day, they have the right to assume that they will be able to do their jobs in an environment that is free from certain types of behaviors from others. Harassment of a sexual nature is unacceptable in any type of workplace, and employers have an obligation to employees to provide a work environment that is free from any type of inappropriate behavior or mistreatment from those in authority, other employees or third parties.
Important steps for employers
Proactive employers can make their places of business better for the men and women who work there by fighting sexual harassment in every aspect of their operations. Some of the things employers can do to prevent sexual harassment and protect victims include the following:
- Take reports of sexual harassment seriously.
- Create a culture where crude behavior of any kind is unacceptable.
- Treat all employees with respect and dignity.
- Do necessary due diligence.
- Provide training on the prevention of sexual harassment.
- Conduct anonymous focus groups to ensure employees feel protected.
Employers who allow the cultivation of a hostile work environment due to sexual harassment are accountable for the suffering and emotional duress of their employees.
What can employees do?
If a North Carolina employee is the victim of sexual harassment in his or her workplace, that individual has the right to take immediate action to protect his or her interests. The civil justice system provides one the opportunity to hold responsible parties accountable for sexual harassment and other types of illegal treatment in the workplace.