Am I experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace?

On Behalf of | Oct 9, 2024 | employment law |

People accused of sexual harassment typically deny it and attribute their actions to being friendly or aiming to develop a better relationship with their co-workers. Although it can be misleading, affected people accept the explanation and try to move on. However, many people find ignoring the telltale signs could get them into more trouble.

When is it not just being friendly?

It is difficult to gauge whether an action already borders on sexual harassment. Especially when it is happening to you. Aggressive physical contact or sexual proposals are obvious ways you can see it, but other examples include:

  • Hearing comments about parts of your body that make you feel uncomfortable
  • Feeling uncomfortable with images that are in your work environment
  • Asking inappropriate questions about your life
  • Touching any part of your body, even patting it, without your consent
  • Having work functions at places that make you feel uncomfortable, like a strip club
  • Using sexual slurs that make you feel uncomfortable

Anything that makes you or anyone else feel uncomfortable that you cannot avoid or say no to is already a form of harassment. You can hold your employer or another employee liable for sexual harassment as long as it has been happening for quite some time.

How can I get myself out of this situation without losing my job?

Sexual harassment can lead to many workplace issues, such as strained relationships and an awkward working environment. That is one reason people who encounter it prefer to either leave or ignore it. However, no one should tolerate it, and with the help of a lawyer, you may have a chance to keep your job or get compensation for any damages you may have suffered.