Workplace sexual harassment is illegal. Most companies have written policies specifically prohibiting sexual harassment. Despite that proactive attempt to protect workers, harassment on the job is still a common issue.
Some people experience a hostile work environment because their coworkers abuse or humiliate them because of their sex. Such cases can involve same-sex sexual harassment or abuse from team members when only one worker is of the opposite sex. Other times, sexual harassment comes from above an employee.
Someone in a position of authority at an organization might engage in quid pro quo harassment of a worker. Quid pro quo harassment can be very demeaning and demoralizing. It can make workers think they have to choose between their personal sense of ethics and career development.
What technically constitutes quid pro quo harassment in North Carolina?
Quid pro quo means something for something
Many people have heard quid pro quo arrangements described as a scenario in which one hand washes the other. Essentially, quid pro quo harassment involves offering something beneficial to an employee or subordinate in return for romantic or sexual favors.
For example, quid pro quo harassment could occur during an annual performance review. A manager or supervisor might offer to give a worker a better performance review in exchange for a date or some kind of sexual favor. Other times, quid pro quo harassment might occur when a worker requests a raise or pursues a promotion. Parties that make the final decision or provide references could try to bully an employee into certain behavior in return for career opportunities or better pay.
Quid pro quo harassment can even arise during disciplinary scenarios. If a worker faces a write-up or has an unfavorable performance review, someone in a position of authority might offer to eliminate a complaint or falsify company records in exchange for certain favors.
Quid pro quo harassment is an illegal violation of a worker’s rights. Employees who experience quid pro quo harassment may be able to seek support from their employers in some scenarios. Other times, the only form of recourse available might involve filing a lawsuit.
Employees who recognize misconduct like quid pro sexual harassment are in an empowered position. They can document what they experience and hold an employer accountable for engaging in quid pro quo harassment or turning a blind eye to it when the offending party is a high-performing employee.
Quid pro sexual harassment lawsuits can be very complex legal matters, but they can result in better working environments and financial compensation for the people affected. Understanding what constitutes workplace sexual harassment can help employees assert themselves when they experience misconduct on the job.