The type of construction defects that can affect a project

On Behalf of | Apr 1, 2022 | construction law |

A construction project is a significant financial investment, and issues with the final project can lead to extensive financial loss and other complications. It can be months or even years after the project is complete for defects to become apparent, and a North Carolina owner may be left wondering who bears the financial responsibility for the construction defects that are affecting the quality, safety or performance of the completed project.

Common types of defects

Construction defects can occur at different stages of the construction project. It is possible to have defects with the design, workmanship or materials used in the project, and the problems caused by these defects can range from mechanical issues to problems with the project’s structural integrity. Types of construction defects include:

  • Defects in workmanship – This can happen when a contractor fails to follow plans, cuts corners or lacks the skill to do the job.
  • Defects in materials – This happens when a builder uses poor-quality materials, leading to larger issues with the completed project.
  • Defects in design – A poorly designed construction project will result in a poor-quality final project.

An evaluation of the specific defects and the overall project may reveal exactly what is causing the problem and how the defects occurred during the construction stage.

A fair outcome

A North Carolina project owner dealing with construction defects may be unsure of how to handle this situation in a way that is reasonable and fair. Holding the responsible party accountable for problems with a construction project is a complicated process, and it is beneficial to begin by seeking the support of an experienced attorney. An assessment of the individual case will reveal the specific legal options available.