Internal bleedings symptoms post-collision

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2022 | personal injury |

If you’re driving along a North Carolina highway and get hit by another car, there’s no telling what the implications of the impact might be. You might suffer any number of injuries, ranging from a minor bump or laceration to severe brain trauma or worse. Paying close attention in the days and weeks that follow can alert you to symptoms that signal possible serious trouble, such as internal bleeding.

The symptoms of internal bleeding may also be present in other adverse health conditions, which is why it’s important to obtain support from a licensed physician to seek a proper diagnosis and recommended treatment. It’s always best to let the physician examining you know that you were in a recent collision. This help determine what type of tests to run to rule out internal injuries.

Dizziness can mean several things

If you were in a recent collision and feel dizzy, it might mean that you have a concussion or other brain injury. It can also mean that you are bleeding internally, which is why it’s best to seek immediate medical attention, especially if additional symptoms are present.

Low blood pressure, fainting, headache, abdominal pain, and nausea or vomiting are all symptoms of internal bleeding. Even difficulty swallowing can be connected to an internal injury. You, of course, can’t see bleeding when it’s on the inside of your body, but doctors can run scans to confirm such injuries.

Your condition should start to improve every day

With proper care and treatment after a collision, you should start to feel better eventually. If you feel worse or notice new symptoms that weren’t present at the time of the accident, it’s a definite sign that something could be going wrong on the inside of your body.

Sadly, many such injuries are caused by distracted drivers, drunk drivers or reckless drivers. People running stop signs, consuming alcohol before getting behind the wheel or traveling at excessive speeds are a menace to the road and can place you at serious risk for injury.

Recovery can be stressful and lengthy

When you have to make several trips to a hospital or your primary care physician, and especially if you need surgery or physical therapy, the fallout from a collision can cause financial distress. Many accident victims are able to offset expenses by filing civil claims against those deemed responsible for their injuries, especially if they suffered from internal bleeding.

If you have a brain injury, nerve damage, broken bones, etc., it can take weeks, even months to heal following a motor vehicle collision. Knowing where to seek quality support is the key to achieving as full a recovery as possible.