Litigation in the business world can be exhausting and expensive, which is not good for business owners who just want to get on with their vital operations and special projects. Although civil court is always an option, there are other ways to sort out disputes,...
Firm News
North Carolina plane crash leaves 2 women with extensive injuries
A 23-year-old woman was left in critical condition and three others were injured in a small plane crash in North Carolina. The crash occurred at Gray's Creek Airport near Fayetteville. Three of the four on board were students in a workforce development program, and...
North Carolina woman alleges sexual harassment, sues ex-employer
A North Carolina woman is suing a national organization, contending her former boss sexually harassed her during her employment at a state chapter of the group. She is seeking at least $15 million for assault, battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress...
Why people stay quiet about sexual harassment
Have you ever seen sexual harassment happen to someone else in the workplace and just kept your head down, trying not to get involved? Have you ever experienced it yourself and decided not to say anything? Maybe you just hoped that it wouldn't happen again and you...
Home inspections a wise investment even with new construction
You've watched the construction of your new home every step of the way. You chose the lot, watched as workers laid the foundation. You were there the day the siding went up, saw the installation of the windows. You're confident that new home in the Winston-Salem area...
Power imbalances can lead to sexual harassment
Sexual harassment in the workplace stems from many different things, and each case is unique. However, power imbalances often play heavily into the equation. Experts have even gone so far as to say that this type of harassment is really just a "manifestation of power...
North Carolina woman alleges sexual harassment, discrimination
A woman in western North Carolina is suing her former employer, a grocery store chain, Ingles. She contends that she was sexually harassed on the job and was fired after she complained to the store manager. The woman, 54, said she was the object of sexually suggestive...
A primer for plaintiffs, defendants in breach of contract cases
You've entered into a contract with another party, and that party doesn't seem to be following the terms. How can you tell if that individual or organization is in breach of contract? In general, for the terms of a contract to have been broken, these four conditions...
Don’t let sexual harassment get in the way of your work day
Anyone who goes to work knows that there is a potential that sexual harassment could happen in the workplace. Sexual harassment is a type of sexual discrimination. As a result of that categorization, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects men and women...
Who tells a joke may determine how offensive it is
Sexual harassment in the workplace often gets disguised as a joke. Someone may tell an insulting joke about a certain gender, for instance, or insist that their sexual comments about a co-worker were "just a joke" and were not anything too serious. The lines here get...